Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ready, Set, Wait a Minute

Motivation seems to be in short supply lately. Without a job dictating my every move, I am back to my old procrastinating ways. I talked about an editing website for a couple of months, found a multitude of reasons to avoid it, started it about two weeks ago, and am maybe looking at possibly publishing it this week. (How's that for a committed statement?) With help from my lovely partner, I have found that my procrastination stems mainly from my perfectionism and tendency to overwhelm myself: small tasks become daunting endeavors that I worry will not measure up to my definition of successful or even acceptable. When it gets uncomfortable, I move on to the next bright, shiny object that grabs my attention. I'll complete the circuit at some point, make it back to the beginning. ADD can be handy that way.

I've even managed to talk myself out of starting this blog for weeks now. Even when ideas have been swimming around in the murky waters of my mind, seeking an outlet, I have put them off until later. The last reason? The title. What will I call my blog? Do I go with my username? That doesn't quite do it. Do I focus on a regular topic? Yeah, right. That sounds like commitment to something I haven't seen yet. I'm not entirely sure where it will be going, what I expect of it. How do I give that a name?

This morning I finally finished my services page for my website. Well, that's a start. And the blog title just sort of came to me. I think it pretty much sums it up. I expect this place to be a home for my random ponderings and occasional rants. I'll try to not take it too seriously, and I'll try to make it back around soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog honey. I'm so glad you wrote this and I can't wait to see what else you'll be writing. You're an amazing writer.
